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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Living Southern....the introduction

Hi Y'all, I'm Kenny Ray Jackson and I'm here to introduce you to the fine art of southen living through delicious recipies (both traditional and my own), entertaining tips and perhaps some good old southen wisdom passed on to me by the many wonderful people who help shape the gracious ways of being southern.
Southern living is all about good manners, good will, good friends and GOOD FOOD! Now, I know that alot of people out there tend to think of us as living a simple way of life and that is absolutely correct. Down south we like to take things nice and easy and make the best out of what we have. Although times have changed all over this great country of ours the fact that most of us live in abundance hasn't. Being southern is definitely about sharing that abundance with our friends and family. I like to do this through food and entertaining at my home...come hungry, leave happy is what my sweet brown mama always said and I hold to that today.
We're going to learn some basics of southern cooking, planning gorgeous parties, growing and harvesting our own ingredients and just how to have a great time surrounded by the people and things we love.
I am so happy Y'all have stopped by to check out this page and I can't wait to see you again!
Kenny Ray Jackson

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog I will follow it everyday I think, because I really would not want anyone to think that I am not southern. Fabulous writing and very captivating, I can't wait to read tomorrows.
