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Monday, April 12, 2010

Oh my god, It's MOSQUITO time...again

I don't know about Y'all but here in the south we tend to spend more time outside than in the house from the time warm weather hits 'til it's time to light the furnace. I love my patio and adore entertaining guests out there but for those pesky buggers that love to suck the blood. Here's a few things my Sweet Brown Mama used to do and passed on to me to make enjoying your yard easier for you, your guests and even for your pets(they can get heartworm from the little nasties).
It is of course time to start thinking about planting your yard with beautiful flowers and plants for the season so here are some suggestions that you might want to consider in the battle against the bugs.

It's an interesting looking plant that not only adds a bit of variety to your garden but is really delicious(we'll be using it in some of the recipies)and it produces oils that are naturally repellant to mosquitos and those irritating noseeums(midges). It doesn't fare very well in the zone I live in but you can just dig it up and take it inside for the winter.

Not only will you benefit from having this around but your cat will love you for it! I've read some studies and found out that this is actually more effective than the chemical DEET that is used in most store bought repellants. I'm not really sure how you're going to get rid of the rest of the cats from the neighborhood that stop by to roll around in it though...that might take some thought!

I remember Sweet Brown Mama planting these pretty little things all over the place, even in the garden, but never really knew til later on why. They put off an aroma that repels mosquitos, gnats and all manner of flying biters. I've heard some humans say they too are repelled by the aroma put off by marigolds but I just can't imagine that.

Lemon Balm
Mine actually wintered over left out in the yard and is already huge. It's kinda like mint but lemony. You have to crush the leaves and then rub the oil left behind on your exposed skin but it is really nice and leaves a lovely fresh lemony scent.

Citronella Grass
This one isn't for everyone I suppose, it gets pretty large(average about six feet tall)so you'll need alot of room for it to grow. This tropical grass is, of course,(the name gives it away)the source for that oil everyone puts in their tiki torches but all you have to do is get a start of it and let it go!

All of these plants protect your yard but you can also make an inexpensive ,homemade, non-toxic insect repellant. All you have to do is pick whichever or all of the above mentioned plants you've put in your yard, crush them and then let them steep in vodka or alcohol for a couple days. Then just strain out the solids and put the remaining liquid in a spritzer bottle to use anytime you are going to be outside. It's natural and environmentally friendly too! After all, being southern is all about making the best of what you have.
I hope these Ideas help Y'all have a more enjoyable summer outside and I look forward to your visiting again soon!
Kenny Ray Jackson

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