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Monday, April 12, 2010

Lets talk about MANNERS! How to be a good southern guest.

One of the things that all good southerners should possess(besides two first names)is good manners. Having grown up in the south and having them ingrained in me from birth I tend to take for granted that everyone just automatically knows these things but it has become obvious that it just isn't the case.

Calling before dropping by...whooeee, this is one that I just can't stand when people don't act on. It's just good southern manners to call before dropping by. Of course most of us down here are always happy to have company and lots of it but sometimes we might be indisposed to little numbers are all you have to dial in order to announce your visit...and, if you don't get an answer, it's a good indicator that now might not be the time!

Offering to help with preperation...Some cooks do and some don't allow others in their kitchen while they are getting dinner ready(I usually don't)but it is always polite to offer an extra hand if you show up while preperations are might wind up with a menial task or doing something you don't really care for but it is always nice to at least offer your assistance!

Rinsing your dish and glass...I do enjoy feeding my clan but I'm not a fan of cleaning up so it's always a good idea to rinse off your plate and flatware and rinse out your glass when you're finished with that great big southern spread you just partook of. It just makes the arduous task of loading the dishwasher that much easier for your host!

Overstaying...I love to entertain but folks, when its's over. I'm always happy to have guests arrive a bit before dinner so they can mingle and socialize with one another while I'm cooking and it's always nice to have guests stay for conversation and after dinner drinks but lord I have had people stay so long I thought they were going to move in. Nobody wants to be the first to leave but when you see the party dwindling down it's always courteous to your host to take the hint and say your goodbyes...your host shouldn't have to resort to putting on pajamas and in some cases feigning falling asleep just to get the point across!

I know these may sound like nitpicky little things but as I was sitting here wondering what to write about I thought maybe it would be a good idea to get these guidelines out there and into future guest's heads. Nobody wants to be seen as uncouth and I hope this little bit of information will help some of you become better and more gracious guests.

Thanks again for letting me prattle on Y'all and I hope to see you back here again soon.
Kenny Ray Jackson

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